Arjun Yadav

Interesting Reads - January-February 2023

Feb 12, 2023

Note: This post was last edited on Feb 18, 2023


I log everything I read in Notion. In these two months, I've read 2 books, 14 newsletters and 2 articles.

Here are some of the highlights of this month!


  • Avoiding the Worst by Tobias Baumann - A free book that does an excellent job on explaining s-risks (of course), but also adjacent cause areas, such as animal welfare, community building, artificial general intelligence and digital sentience, etc. I highly recommend giving this e-book a spin.

  • What If? 2 by Randall Munroe - A great sequel to an already excellent concept. Nothing much else to say other than its pretty entertaining and most of the jokes stick the landing quite well.



  • See the art of questioning being tackled in this article that was brought to my attention by BrainPint.